Two scholarships of SEK 10,000 each are awarded to students who have completed a Bachelor’s project, a Master’s thesis (60 or 120 credits), or an equivalent degree project for no less than 15 credits at Karlstad University.

The scholarships aim to encourage and reward students who have contributed to the future development of Värmland through their studies and excellent results.

Who is eligible to apply?

The announcement includes students who have completed a Bachelor’s project, a Master’s thesis (60 or 120 credits), or an equivalent degree project for no less than 15 credits at Karlstad University. The essay’s content must feature a Värmland perspective with a focus on the region’s future development. Applications can be based on essays in science, social science, the humanities, or any other discipline taught at Karlstad University or the Ingesund School of Music.

To be considered for a scholarship, the essay is required to have gone through and passed seminar examination. Only essays that have received a passing grade between 2021 and 2023 are eligible for a scholarship. If the essay has multiple authors, the scholarship amount will be divided equally between them.

The application should include:

  • Name, personal identity number, address, phone number, email address (for the decision to be sent to)
  • The thesis in PDF-format
  • Official Ladok transcript that verify the grade for the thesis in question.
  • Statement from applicant (no more than one page, A4) in brief highlighting the thesis connection to Värmland and the contribution to Värmland’s future development.
  • Statement signed by supervisor or examiner, see special instructions below.

The scholarship is only available to students at Karlstad University. 

Incomplete applications and applications submitted after the deadline will not be processed. Documents included in the application should be submitted as attachments. Submit the application to the scholarship committee by 12 april 2023.

If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact Eric Nilsson

The application will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • The essay’s connection to Värmland and contribution to Värmland’s future development.
  • The statement from the supervisor or examiner detailing the essay’s academic strengths.

A scholarship committee including a student representative will decide who is awarded a scholarship. The scholarship committee’s decision will be announced in may/june 2023.


Instruction for supervisor/examiner

Scholarships from Jubileumsfonden aim to encourage and reward students who through their studies and good results have contributed to the future development of Värmland. 2 scholarships of SEK 10,000 each are awarded to students who have completed a Bachelor’s project, a Master’s thesis (60 or 120 credits), or an equivalent degree project for no less than 15 credits at Karlstad University.

As part of its assessment of the application, the scholarship committee will take the statement from the supervisor or examiner into consideration as a guarantee for the academic quality of the work. The statement should highlight the academic strengths of the essay in no more than 250 words. The examiner or supervisor must sign the statement.

The applicant will then attach the signed statement to their scholarship application.

Last date of application has expired.
