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The Faculty of Health, Science and Technology at Karlstad University and the Faculty of Science and Technology at Uppsala University announce a joint PhD position in materials physics/materials chemistry, specifically in AI-driven design of polymer-based electrode materials for sustainable battery technology, with a double-degree. The PhD student will be admitted to doctoral programmes at both universities, completing a PhD in physics at Karlstad University and chemistry at Uppsala University.
The research in material physics at Karlstad University ( includes studies of computational materials physics, surface structures, nano-materials, solar cell materials, molecular semiconductors and battery materials. The doctoral student will be a part of a research group whose research aims to accelerate the discovery of novel and sustainable energy materials interplaying atomistic modelling, based on density functional theory, and artificial intelligence techniques.
The Department of Chemistry – Ångström Laboratory has for many years hosted a research environment focused on the development of materials and their applications within the energy storage area: the Ångström Advanced Battery Centre. We develop novel electrode and electrolyte materials, characterise them, evaluate and improve them with respect to battery performance, and study fundamental chemical processes and properties using both experimental and computational techniques. The research is, as such, both fundamental and applied.
As a PhD student, you will primarily dedicate time to your own research studies, which includes conducting research and completing doctoral studies. The doctoral programme, comprising 240 credits for a Degree of Doctor and 120 credits for a Degree of Licentiate, is an opportunity to study while being paid a salary in combination with work and provides a stepping stone for a career in academia.
You will be focused on advancing the understanding and application of computational materials design, materials modelling, and AI within the framework of the research project “AI-driven design of polymer-based electrode materials for sustainable battery technologies”. This project emphasizes the development of innovative polymer-based electrode materials to contribute to sustainable energy solutions. Thus, Atomistic modelling and simulations, curate data and the integration of symbolic AI and artificial neural networks to develop models to apply in the above scientific problems is at the center of the studies. The work will be carried out in close collaboration between researchers at Karlstad University, the Ångström Advanced Battery Centre and external partners in the research field. This environment will provide the PhD student with opportunities to engage in interdisciplinary research and participate in knowledge exchange with leading experts in the field.
As a PhD student, you will work independently and be prepared to contribute in various ways to the work and development of the subject and the department. Additional institutional duties, such as teaching and administration, may be added by agreement, corresponding to a maximum of 20% of full-time.
Working as a PhD student gives you great freedom to plan and organise your day. It requires commitment, personal drive and the ability to structure to achieve goals. Experienced supervisors will support you along the way. To contribute to a positive work environment and further the department’s activities, we expect you to be a present and active part of the day-to-day operations and workplace community.
This role provides an excellent opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research at the intersection of AI, materials science, and sustainable energy while developing a robust academic and professional foundation for your future career.
To be eligible for a doctoral studentship, the applicant must meet the general and specific entry requirements (Higher Education Ordinance, Chap. 7, Sect. 35).
To meet the general entry requirements, the applicant must have:
To meet the specific entry requirements, the applicant must have:
Admission and assessment criteria
For admission to doctoral studies an applicant must be judged to have the ability required to pursue the programme successfully (Higher Education Ordinance, Ch. 7, sect. 35). Admission is based on individual assessment.
The assessment will focus on the applicant's performance in previous academic studies and the quality of the independent written projects included in these studies. The assessment will also take into account the possibility of attending and participating in the research environment.
Special weight is given to:
Considerable weight is given to practical experience with DFT electronic structure calculation softwares, and to international experience.
Upon admission to the doctoral programme, the applicant will be offered an appointment of doctoral student in accordance with the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance (Chapter 5, Section 3).
The employment is a fixed-term contract, according to HF 5 kap § 7.
Scoop of employment is full time, 100 %
Starting date: As soon as possible upon agreement.
Placement: The employment period is divided between the two universities. You will be employed at Karlstad University 50% of the time and at Uppsala University 50% of the time. You are expected to divide your time between these two universities, thereby benefiting from the combined research environment and its resources.
Salary for the doctoral position follows the current local collective agreement at each university.
Submit the application via the Karlstad University web-based recruitment tool, Varbi. Applicants are responsible for submitting a complete application in accordance with the advertisement, for providing translations of any documents written in a language other than Swedish, Norwegian, Danish or English, and for ensuring that the documentation allows for objective and qualitative assessments. A complete application should be submitted by the application deadline. An incomplete application may jeopardise a fair assessment of qualifications.
Application should include
Attach all the documents and publications you wish to be considered to the electronic application (do not provide links to them). Name each uploaded document to clearly indicate its content.
Documents that cannot be submitted electronically should be sent to:
Karlstads universitet
651 88 Karlstad
Last day of application: March 5, 2025
State the ref. no: REK2024/166
If you have qualifications from a university outside Sweden or if they have not been recognised by a Swedish authority before, it is important that you attach degree certificates and official transcripts to facilitate the recognition of foreign qualifications.
Provide a contact for the degree-awarding institution (phone number or email) who can verify your qualifications.
We look forward to your application!
Sapere Aude—dare to be wise—is our motto. Our students and employees develop knowledge and expertise that enrich both people and the world around them. Our academic environment is characterised by curiosity, courage and perseverance. Gender equality, diversity and a democratic approach form the foundation of our organisation. We are located in an active and scenic region and we promote sustainable development in close collaboration with the wider society.
Karlstad University has a total of approximately 1,400 employees and 17,300 students spread across two inspiring campus environments in Karlstad and Arvika. More information at:
Uppsala University is a broad research university with a strong international position. The ultimate goal is to conduct education and research of the highest quality and relevance to make a difference in society. Our most important asset is all of our 7,600 employees and 53,000. The Department of Chemistry - Ångström conducts research and education in the chemistry field. The department has more than 270 employees and has a turnover of 300 million SEK. More information is available on our website, Are you considering moving to Sweden to work at Uppsala University? Find out more about what it´s like to work and live in Sweden,
Type of employment | Temporary position |
Contract type | Full time |
First day of employment | As soon as possible upon agreement. |
Salary | Monthly, according local collective agreement |
Number of positions | 1 |
Full-time equivalent | 100% |
City | Karlstad/Uppsala |
County | Värmlands län |
Country | Sweden |
Reference number | REK2024/166 |
Contact |
Union representative |
Published | 06.Feb.2025 |
Last application date | 05.Mar.2025 11:59 PM CET |