Karlstad University / Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences / Department of Artistic Studies

Sapere Aude—dare to be wise—is our motto. Our students and employees develop knowledge and expertise that enrich both people and the world around them. Our academic environment is characterised by curiosity, courage and perseverance. Gender equality, diversity and a democratic approach form the foundation of our organisation. We are located in an active and scenic region and we promote sustainable development in close collaboration with the wider society.
Karlstad University has a total of approximately 1,400 employees and 17,300 students spread across two inspiring campus environments in Karlstad and Arvika.
More information at: kau.se/en/work-with-us


Ingesund School of Music (MHI) is part of the Department of Artistic Studies at Karlstad University, located in Arvika.  MHI is a renowned school of music and popular among aspiring musicians. Music teaching degrees are awarded for secondary education and extra-mural arts and music schools.  MHI and Karlstad University also award Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees in Music. The Fine Arts/Music Programme started in 2016 and the Music Production Programme in 2018.  The ambition is to create a centre for research on aesthetic forms of expression at MHI. We are seeking a senior lecturer in music, with emphasis on electric guitar and ensemble at MHI, Arvika.

Read more: https://www.kau.se/en/ingesund-school-music


Duties involve electric guitar and ensemble instruction in the genre of rhythm and improvisation (RI), which partly corresponds to the previously called Afro-American or jazz tradition, but it can also be a fusion of world music, popular music or contemporary improvisation music. The common denominator is the foundation of rhythmical interplay and developing individual improvisation skills. Duties include actively engaging in pedagogical and artistic development work, as well as administrative tasks such as arranging entrance tests, administering courses, serving on the entrance test panel, and developing syllabi.

Qualification requirements

To be qualified as a senior lecturer in the fine, applied or performing arts requires demonstrated teaching expertise as well as a doctorate in the fine, applied or performing arts, and demonstrated artistic expertise or some other professional expertise of value to the duties of the position. Completed course in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education or equivalent qualifications is also a requirement. In special circumstances, this course may be completed within two years of employment as part of the professional development commitment.

In the ranking of candidates, equal weight is given to teaching expertise and to the other qualification requirements specified above.  

Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria applied for the employment of a senior lecturer are the degree of skills required for the eligibility of the position.

The combination of artistic and teaching expertise is of special weight for the position. 

Demonstrated expertise in the RI genre areas as described above is of special weight for the position.

Good command of Swedish and English and ability to teach in Swedish are of special weight.

Experience of teaching in secondary and tertiary education in the areas specified above is of considerable weight.

Karlstad University attaches great importance to personal qualities such as abilities to cooperate, to create good relationships with colleagues and students, and to take initiatives and support others in their activities.

We value good administrative skills, ability to communicate information of research and development, as well as the ability to cooperate with colleagues and external communities.

Karlstad University aims at even gender distribution and values ethnic and cultural diversity.  

Terms of employment

This is a non-fixed part-time employment (50 %) with starting date 2020-09-01. A probationary period may be used. Workplace location is at the Ingesund School of Music in Arvika. The Assessment process will include trial teaching.


Application should include well documented qualifications. Applicants are responsible for submitting a complete application in accordance with the advertisement and for ensuring that the documentation allows for objective and qualitative assessments. An incomplete application may jeopardise a fair and qualitative assessment of all aspects. See relevant parts of “Application Guidelines” for more information:   https://www.kau.se/en/work-us/work/vacancies

Application should include:

  • Letter of application 
  • CV
  • Account of pedagogical, artistic and professional qualifications
  • Certificate of completed course in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education or equivalent
  • Certificates on previous activities and account of personal qualities of relevance to the position
  • List of publications (specify your contributions to co-authored works)
  • Max ten academic publications and max five works designed to convey knowledge such as text books, educational software, or popular science articles (specify your contributions to co-authored works)
  • Copies of diplomas and other certificates of qualifications
  • Two references 

Application should be made electronically via the university’s web-based recruitment tool Varbi. We do not accept any documents in the form of reference or links to websites or Youtube. Three copies of documentation that cannot be submitted electronically (books, publications, CD, etc) should be sent to: Karlstads universitet, Registrator, 651 88 Karlstad. State ref.nr. REK2020/75.

Karlstad University has chosen advertising channels for this recruitment and declines any contacts from advertising or recruitment agencies.

We look forward to your application!

Type of employment Permanent position
Contract type Part-time
First day of employment 2020-09-01 or by agreement
Salary Monthly salary, individually based
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 50%
City Arvika
County Värmlands län
Country Sweden
Reference number REK2020/75
  • Carina Hauge-Rouass, +46 570 - 385 01
  • Göran Lindskog, +46 570-38503
Union representative
  • Thomas Bragefors, SACO, +46 54-700 1714
  • Tony Ingemarsson, Lärarförbundet, + 46 54 700 1404
  • Gunnel Holmgren, OFR, gunnel.holmgren@mhi.kau.se
Published 03.Mar.2020
Last application date 24.Mar.2020 11:59 PM CET

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